Ontfrommel By Elsabe Welman

R 310.00
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Price in points: 310 points
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I passionately believe that the old saying – everyone has a book inside them – is true...


Lt Danny Sadler inisieer ’n artikel in die koerant, geskryf deur die joernalis, Zena Swart. Die ontvoeringsaak kry momentum. Zena en polisiemaglede beland in die mag van die bose Pete Scony en sy slagysters. Kaptein Jannes Jonker, Spesiale Taakmagsoldaat, se hulp word ingeroep. Sy planne boemerang - hy bevind hom spoedig in ʼn psigiatriese jas. Uiteindelik kry die polisie die oorhand, maar steeds voel niemand veilig nie. Scony herinner die geregsdienaars voortdurend dat hy nie van hulle vergeet het nie.


Lt Danny Sadler initiates an article in the newspaper, written by the journalist, Zena Swart. The kidnapping case is gaining momentum. Zena and police force members end up in the power of the evil Pete Scony and his traps. Captain Jannes Jonker, a Special Task Force soldier, is called in for help. His plans boomerang - he soon finds himself in a psychiatric gown. Eventually, the police get the upper hand, but no one feels safe. Scony constantly reminds those who hindered him, that he has not forgotten about them.

Beyond The Vale Publishing
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